So this is our last week here on Wolfe Island. Which is very, very sad. We've made such amazing friends and had such awesome good times. But, at the same time, in a week, we'll be back living in downtown Kingston - where we left some great people last fall.
As a bonus, I'll be teaching guitar at Marysville Public School - on the island - in June and next Fall; so hopefully that will help us keep in touch with this amazing community. We'll also be here for the potlucks, oh the potlucks.
Met with island musician Rob Douglas - potentially recording/playing on a cd of rag-time stuff. Great change of pace and a pretty nice guy. He's got a donkey.
Alex is hard at work writing/learning lead guitar. Sean is promising to show up soon. Ian is touring with someone from Toronto - good luck to him; Ian is a great musician and will always have a place in the Barn Flyz.
It's late. I'm rambling. Goodnight.