Saturday, October 30, 2010

I fuc#ed up my ankle. . .

There haven't been many basketball posts lately. . . The documentary is still being worked on, but somewhat slowed down by the above swelling.

In cooler news, I bought a hammond drawbar organ (240 lbs of fun!) and it's wicked awesome. Maybe some quick video of it coming soon, or at least some pictures.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Chris Scott, The Peat Brothers, and Echo. . .

Had some good friends from the past drop by the house.

Simply the best front-wheel drive car fish-tailing driver I've ever been terrified with, Chris Scott, came by the house with his better half and met mine and my little ones. Cake was eaten. Inappropriate jokes were told to tepid response. More inappropriate jokes were told to silence. Still more were sent along in a follow-up Email. Phone-messages to follow.

From the 2007 incarnation of my band, and now of the Peat Brothers, Nick Peat came by the Sleeping Giant School of Music with his bro and some amazing 12 string, slide-strat, and a bit of hack bass from yours truly, was heard throughout the house. They'll be playing around Kingston in the next few months, catch them if you can, they are really something special.

Echo and I are hanging out today, Sienna is at work and then off to a kid's sale, Peja is at school and then off to a play-date. This will soon by out regular thing; Sienna is back at the hospital in November, and I'm assuming Peja won't get kicked out of school. But you never know. It's always the quiet ones.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

The Big Show. . .

Our best and biggest show ever was one that we put on with the amazing Central Public Parent Council last October. And, if you look up, way up, you'll see that our normal logo is gone, and instead is an amazing poster for the SECOND ANNUAL JAY AND THE BARN FLYZ @ CENTRAL SHOW! This year, along with a bake sale, there's going to be a cake raffle too!

Uh, alright, so that's not a normal rock and roll thing, but it's how we roll.

Skeleton Park, one of my favorite bands, has not only agreed to once again open the show, but Keiran, Skeleton Park singer and guitarist, is filling in for the usual Kevin/Damian bass battle. The other Kevins will be on hand.

Alright, me and Echo are going to go and poster for those few who don't visit this site daily.

Uh. . .