I resolve to formalize the time I spent on my creative efforts. Specific to discipline, be it film-making, writing, song-writing, music-recording, times will be allocated and regimented.
I'm not sure that works there.
Add time for editing.
Rewind. . . and play. . .
Specific to discipline, be it film-making, writing, song-writing, music-recording; times will be allocated and maintained.
I'm not sure.
It's all very confusing.
When I was trying to become an English teacher (alright, lets be fair, I was actually trying to not live in my parents basement forever, and maybe meet some girls), I decided that I would write a novel, get it published, and not need to complete the plan I already had grown bored and jaded with. So, I had never written anything longer than 4000 words. Books are like 80,000 words. Small books. So, like the German army at the end of WW2, instead of going, "well, it'll take me a week to write a quality 500 words, so I should probably plan to finish the novel in like 5 years", I instead picked a long-term goal, and then forced the short-term issue (side note, I wrote a really long side note explaining the WW2 analogy and then erased it because it seemed a bit much; email me for details). I wrote 500 words a day, no exceptions, editing in spare time, and a bit at the end, and wrote my novel in about 8 months. I have no illusions about it being a great work of fiction, but I got it done, published it myself, and I never look back and wonder what would've happened if I really tried to write a novel. I can go to my bookshelf.
I'm looking to regain my foolhardy aspirations and the discipline they require.
Also, I should stop staying up late and rambling on my blog. . .
And a big shout-out to anyone in England reading this. Man, I'm sure that Blogger's stats have no idea what's going on. Adam, do you know anything about their accuracy?