Thursday, February 26, 2009

New House

Nearly all the documents have been signed.

This house is sold.

Our new place will be bought in the next 24 hours.

The piano is staying here.

I bought a new piano today.

Look for us 8 blocks closer to downtown in a month or so.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Instruments were brought, sound was set up, checks were done, people came, music was played, dancing resulted, applause followed.

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Sally Ann show -- that venue seems to be our lucky charm.  We covered costs and I managed to give the guys in the band something for their time (with rehearsals, I think they make about $0.50/hr).  Thanks to Kyra and Tully for being Barn Flyz for 4 songs.


The United Stars
Society Dames
Sucker Punch
Safe and Warm
City Lights (feat. Kyra and Tully)
Tryin' You On (feat. Kyra and Tully)
Something Here that Reminds Me of You (feat. Kyra and Tully)
Our Top Scores are Safe (feat. Kyra and Tully)
In the Shadow of the Sleeping Giant
It's Coming Down
Say it to Me Now (Glen Hasard Cover)

We split up the sets so we played 6, then Kyra and Tully played for a while, then we played 5 more, then Kyra and Tully finished the night.

The Barn Flyz were:
Bass - Derek Pyne
Drums - Kevin Holloway (yeah, family band step 1!)

Jay was Jay.

The Kyra and Tully band featured the awesome Daniel on drums, Kevin Bowers on Guitar, and I played the bass.  Daniel and Kevin are great musicians and, more importantly, very cool people.

There is talk of another library show, and I'm looking into maybe playing at Peja's school sometime. . .

Stay Tuned. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Hold Up

Alright, so, apparently, way up there on the roof, some shit has been going down.  But we'll get it fixed.  Make it all nice and pretty.  Make a perfect home to sell.  And then move to a home to perfect.

First full band rehearsal today.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


There are t's to dot and i's to cross, but except for a few little details (a.k.a. conditions), the deals are done!  2 building inspections and a financing confirmations and the kingston Middaugh's will be the proud owners of some brand new digs.  Somehow all the details have come together at nearly the same time to allow this crazy scheme to work.

More importantly, does anyone need a two bedroom apartment starting May 1st?  We might just have one for rent. . .

And yes, this means that Peja won't have to sleep in the closet anymore.

The show is rapidly approaching and cousin Kevin (or, as Peja calls him, "uncle Kevin", because we like to promote relatives based on effort) will be coming to town on Tuesday for a very busy schedule of rehearsing with the band and colouring with Peja.

My folks are coming to visit this weekend as well (ol' pops is doing the building inspection on our hopeful new place), so it's a crazy time of craziness.  Which beats the hell out of boring.

Not bored,


Thursday, February 12, 2009


There's all these ducks, you see.  And they need to be lined up.  Perfectly!  At the exact right moment.  And some of the ducks we can control, we can tell them, "alright, line up now", and then we hope that they other ducks get in line, because we can't control our ducks forever, and eventually they'll be like, "why the hell are we in line?," and then it's over, you know?

31-26 loss last night -- pretty close game.  I clanked some easy ones, but I ran hard and had a good time.  I even threw up a running hook shot that one of my teammates called, "not pretty".  Indeed.

Full band rehearsals start next week.

Take care,


Monday, February 09, 2009

Groupies. . .

We are nearer than before, but still a distance away from a possible move.  We've done a couple of building-supply trips to suss out the costs of stuff, and the styles with which we might decorate a new home.  The official score: wallpaper - 0, sienna - 1.  My lady is not a fan of the wallpaper.  To be fair, the good stuff is so damned expensive, I'm not sure I've got much fight in me anyway.

Peja and I did our first milkshake walk of the year.  There's a reid's dairy about 5 blocks away, and when she was little, if I really needed her to nap, I'd make her walk there and back (the promise of a chocolate milkshake puts some hustle in little legs) and then she'd drop.  It was too cold to drink it on the way back, so I walked it home and divided it to share with lunch.

Again, with the Weezer business, I found this essay Rivers Cuomo wrote.  I feel very akin to a lot of what he says.  Alright, not the parts about the playboy mansion. . .  Or the groupies. . .  Uh. . .  Well, at least that might get you to read it.

Tomorrow is practice #2 with my junior boys team.  There's a work-to-rule thing being threatened by the teachers, which would shut us down pretty soon, but for now I'm super jazzed about the club and I'm very pleased to have officially begun my coaching career.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Coach Jay

I'm kicking the shit out of this cold.

Central Public School's new boys basketball club started up on Tuesday, and I have officially begun my coaching career.  There is a lot of enthusiasm and talent at central.  The first thing I said to the team was that they all had to be nice to Peja.  They all turned together and said hi to her up on the stage, where I had her safely sitting behind a hockey net.

My basketball team got to play at KCVI last night -- 4 on 4 on a full court is such a fun fast game.  Our team remains overmatched, but there is a real change in tone on the team -- lots of smiles and laughs -- whether things went good or bad.  I also had the best shooting night of my life.  It was ridiculous.

The crooked house faces off against a stone mason tomorrow morning.
