Monday, December 12, 2005

Musical Chairs

The multi-talented Ian has taken over bass duties, and the very awesome Sean Jensen has joined us on the drums. Give Sean and Ian a day or two to learn their new parts and there should be some gigs soon! Stay tuned. . .

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Acoustic Action

The kind caring people over at the Queen's Red Cross (society? club? group? association? cult?) somehow got our name and asked us to play at their coffee house. So, Tuesday November 29th, around 10:00 pm, we shall play. The gig is on campus at Alfie's (yeah, the underground place). See you on the 11:20 boat back to the island. There's talk of a gig at the Island Grill - maybe Ian's bass-playing friend will be up-to-speed by then. Take care.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Wheel Falls Off

It is sad days (zad dayz?) for the flyz.

Brent "The Wheel" Ferris has left the band. I know, I know, it's a shock to learn that he actually was in the band. But I guess since he took the time to quit, he must have been. I sort of remember seeing him at a show. . . Didn't he show up late? But we'll miss him.

All kidding aside, Brent was truly the main reason that The Flyz ever became a real band in the first place. Back when the Flyz were just a side-show in the Radical Dudez extravaganza, Brent was always jazzed about learning the songs. I'll have to ask him how the 2nd guitar parts go. I never had to worry about remembering them before - Brent somehow remembers every guitar part he's ever played. Ask him to play any Oasis song.

So, a fond fairwell to Brent. Oh, and Nick's moving to Montreal.

Ah, shit.

Well, all the good stuff I said about Brent, that goes for Nick too. And Nick is generally on time. And can swear like a sailor.

So, uh, anyone play the guitar or bass?

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Ian and half of Brent getting ready to play last night.

Our kindest thanks to Marc at Kingston Punk Productions, The Scherzo, all the other bands that played, the dude that threw his underwear on the dance floor, and the girl that yelled out "I'm slowly dying", which may or may not have been a reference to "The Sound and the Fury".

Stay tuned for more dates and times and rock and roll.

Friday, October 28, 2005

One More Time. . .

Thanks to Clark Hall Pub, The Sailing TEAM (it's not just a club), Sound-Guy Adam Bell, and everyone who came out and heard us play on Wednesday Night.

The Barn Flyz were:

Brent "The Wheel" Ferris - Lead Guitar
Nick "My Name's Too Long to Spell Out" Kaars-etc. . . - Bass
Ian "Jazz Man" Montgomery - Drums

Jay was Jay.

Set List -

1. Rusty Voices
2. The United Stars
3. Tilt
4. The Sound and the Fury
5. Fake Blonde Girls
6. 15' Away
7. Vitamin D
8. Safe and Warm
9. Blisters
10. In the shadow of the Sleeping Giant
11. Tree's Lounge
12. City Lights

We're playing again TONIGHT (Fri Oct 28th) at The Scherzo Pub. We're opening the show - stage time 11:00 pm.

Saturday, October 15, 2005



Oh, it is time. We are playing on the 26th at Clark Hall Pub. We are playing on the 28th at The Scherzo. When times and cover amounts are known, they will be posted here.

Where the hell is Brent?

See you at the show.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Despite a complete lack of full-band rehersal, gigs are being lined up. Soon, my friends, there will be a live show. You can come see us. We'll sell you a cd. It'd be great. Maybe on the 25th? Maybe the 28th? It's hard to tell really. . . We'll get back to you. But clear your schedule for the end of the month. . .

Saturday, September 24, 2005

The Jazz Man. . .

Despite dueling schedules, I managed to finally jam with our new drummer Ian "Jazz Man" Montgomery. Ian teaches drum lessons at KSM, and knows his way around a paradiddle. Next Up - trying to wrangle the whole band for at least one practice before we start playing shows. Sometimes, it's a good idea. . . So, just how do the stops in City Lights go? And hiding (just in case) is called Rusty Voices now? What's up with that?

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Hope from the Island

Jay's Happy Baby Records has a new home! We (and the baby) have moved out to Wolfe Island for the winter. We are renting a cottage during the "off-season", a la "The Shining".

More importantly, The Barn Flyz have a new drummer lined up. So MAYBE, MAYBE, MAYBE, we'll play some shows this fall. We're already booked to do a Student's Against Poverty Show in November or something, so with or without drums, they'll be some live Barn Flyz in Kingston.

Recording has begun on a sort of "greatest hits" deal, with the end result perhaps being pressed into a CD for purchase. For the first time, Jay's actually going to let other people into his studio, so, odds are, they'll be some much better sounding bass, guitar, and drums on this one. If anyone has any specific songs they think would sound nice re-recorded with 24 tracks of digital goodness, let us know. Take care.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Peja's First!

The above picture is from Jay's daughter Peja's 1st birthday party. Clockwise from bottom: Peja, Sienna (Jay's wife), Brent (flyz lead guitarist), Linda (Jay's mom), Jay. In honour of her first year on the planet, Jay and the Barn Flyz proudly release the Peja EP - picture below. You can download "Nothing There to Say" for free at The cd is $5, if you'd like to order one, email us at

P.S. A fond fairwell to Gnaph, who is heading / has headed, to the artic for 3 months. The great drummer search lurches on.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Return of the Rock

Last Thursday night we played together for the first time since Feb. 3rd.

On the drums: Mr. Nathaniel "Gnaph" Novosad.

Nick swore up a storm.

Brent got a hair-cut.

My voice was shitty.

Holy crap, we're almost a band again.

Stay tuned -- maybe we'll play some shows sometime. . . You could come see us. We'd say "hi" and then rock-out. You'd say "hi" back, but we wouldn't hear you, on account of the rocking-out. But don't worry, we'll give you one of Brent's free drinks later, by way of apology.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

The Great Drummer Search. . .

Our formerly current, currently former drummer Adam Bell has decided to leave the band. We thank him for his time with the band, and wish him luck with his Radical Dudez ( Look for the new (I believe self-titled) Dudez Album in stores and at shows - I think it's heading to the presses as we speak.

And so begins the great drummer search.

"But, hey - I play the drums!," you say.

"Really?," I reply.

"No," you laugh.

"Oh," I exhale.

"But I know a guy!," you add.

"Well, tell us about him! Tell him about us!"

Your drumming friends can reach us at

Friday, March 18, 2005

Shows We'll Probably Play. . .

Kind thanks to the Queen's AMS who have decided to let us compete in ye ol' Spring Battle of the Bands. Wasn't there a battle not too long ago? Didn't that battle follow another by an equally short duration? Why must we always be fighting? I don't know. But, what I know, sort of, is that we're playing/fighting on the 29th (a.k.a. round 1)along with Whisky Steve and the Steves and others - If we make the grade, again on the 31st. Scheduling fiascos and inappropriate lead-singer vacations are going to make practicing and playing somewhat challenging. See you there! Also, I think we're filling in for the Radical Dudez some night, possibly that same week. . . I don't know. I'm sure it'll all work out. Hey, we might have "Free Soup for the Revolution" T-Shirts for sale at the battle. . .

Oh, we got approval to play at the Goat some Sunday soon - more on that when a specific date is at hand; that'll probably be an acoustic duet thing with Mr. Steven "Brent" Ferris riding shotgun.

P.S. A very happy 25th birthday to Barn Flyz drummer and Radical Dudez front man Adam Bell.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Streamin' at NMC. . .

We've posted a couple of new tracks from how it feels to be a rock&roll dad up at New Music Canada - there will be more up soon. Along with audio streaming, you can also read a reasonably accurate (i.e. somewhat fictional) history of The Barn Flyz.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Lap-Steel Chops

There was a hint of a pseudo practice last night. Brent's getting his lap-steel chops together for "autumn, with it's leaves and perfect stars", and we played through a Hayden cover. The Goat show might hopefully happen in early March.

Happy reading week to all you University folk.

Just in case the Dudez' get signed and I lose my backing band. . .


Thursday, February 17, 2005

Jammin' @ PCC&C

I started volunteering at Providence Continuing Care Centre today. I sang a few songs for the folks in the Day-Away program. Aside from forgetting the chords to a couple of Free Soup songs, it was quite fun. One resident was quite taken with the sythentic back on my ovation acoustic. Didn't have those in his day. Yessir.

Set List:

1. In the Shadow of the Sleeping Giant
2. After the Fire
3. Millionaire
4. City Lights
5. Faster than Most
6. The Newspaper Song
7. I'm Only Sleeping (Beatles)
8. Honeymoon at my Parents' House
9. Cathy's Song

I'm back there next Thursday - so if you're an alzhiemer patient in the Day-Away program, shuffle on over to the lounge at 2:00. 2:00. Lounge. I'm Jason. Jason. Yes.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

No News. . .

A sore throat and a still-broken 8-track recorder have sent the Barn Flyz into a nice grinding halt. However, I was hoping that this blog'd be the sort of thing that'd be updated, so as to have NEW CONTENT all the time, and if people ever started reading it, they'd be rewarded with new posts every now and again. Uh. . . How are you? There are some plans in the works to play shows at the Sleepless Goat. The Goat people are VERY nice, especially if you want to play music there, so maybe some Sunday in the near future, there might be an acoustic set from the Flyz (provided somebody gets it in gear and delivers a demo. . .).

So, uh, Peja's pretty cute. . .


Friday, February 04, 2005

Debriefing. . .

Our kindest thanks to Parlormaid, welcome Karma, The High Fives, Clark Hall Pub, and everyone who came out to the show last night. We were scheduled to play 3rd, but welcome Karma kindly let us go 2nd (we were getting restless - far too much driving was done in pursuit of drum kits and bass amps -- thanks Nick!). The Barn Flyz were - Brent Ferris (lead guitar), Nick Kaars-Sijpesteijn (bass), and Adam Bell (drums); Jay was Jay (vocals, guitar).

Set List:
Hiding (just in case)
15' Away
Anna Sui
Safe and Warm
Hello Again Beautiful
City Lights

Jay and The Barn Flyz will continue to practice, and with the arrival of some new 1/4" tape, ripped-off studios shall be humming again soon. What imaginary band doesn't need 7 albums?

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Feb. 3rd Line-Up

I said "line-up", not "line-haul", as - sadly- our fellow Muskokian brothers will not be playing. Instead, Palourmaid and The High Fives will be kindly sharing the stage with us. Cover is reportedly only $2. Come early, as I believe we're opening.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Gettin' our learn on. . .

The Barn Flyz are hard at work, preparing a set to set Clark Hall Pub aflame. Alright, we're really just hoping for a polite round of applause. Smiles? Bemused expressions? Someone in the audience? Oh well. . .

One more rehearsal is scheduled before next Thursday's DEBUT LIVE SHOW. Old Dudez shows staples "City Lights" and "Blisters" will likely make an appearance, along with some new tricks and old rockers.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Calling all Barn Flyz, Calling all Barn Flyz. . .

The show next Thursday (FEB 3rd - CLARK HALL PUB) is now intended to be a full-band rock show - so long as I can rangle up the Barn Flyz for a quick practice before then. So, uh, if you happen to be a Barn Fly, and can make it for the 3rd - we'll probably be practicing sometime soon. . .

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


You can catch the Jay and the Barn Flyz LIVE ACT live at Clark Hall Pub, on Feb 3. Times and full line-up to follow. Plans are for a solo acoustic set. Cd's will be for sale, and maybe even a t-shirt (just the one).

Monday, January 24, 2005


By request (filthy lie), the recorded history of Jay and the Barn Flyz:

The Barn Flyz - Torn Wing EP: November 2002 (Fictional Record Company)

  1. Torn
  2. Society Dames
  3. Third View

Notes: This 3 song EP was recorded on a farm house near Guelph, Ontario. The songs are available for streaming at or somewhere very similar. . .

Jason Alan Middaugh - Lucky 13: December 2003 (Ripped-Off Records)

  1. Torn
  2. Society Dames
  3. Third View
  4. Hiding (Just in Case)
  5. The United Stars
  6. Fake Blonde Girls
  7. Crime Spree
  8. Shoreline to Dover*
  9. Keefer, Take off your Scarf
  10. Du Bist Sub, Charlie Braun
  11. Hide and Seek
  12. Hello Again, Beautiful
  13. Arrowheads
  14. Rock Starr
  15. Drunk on Listerine

Alright, so technically, Lucky 13 isn't a Jay and the Barn Flyz Album - it was released as "Jason Middaugh", but since the first three songs are from a Barn Flyz EP, it seems appropriate to include it here. It was recorded over the 02'-03' school year, again at the farm house. * indicates songs played live with The Radical Dudez.

Jason Alan Middaugh - Here's To Ya, Ringo!: March 2004 (Ripped-Off Records)

  1. Things we said Today
  2. A Day in the Life
  3. Maxwell's Silver Hammer
  4. I'm Only Sleeping
  5. For No One
  6. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
  7. I'm So Tired
  8. Across the Universe
  9. Her Majesty
  10. Tomorrow Never Knows

From the liner notes: "This album was recorded in lieu of dishwashing chores abdicated by the artist and taken on by the former Miss Asano (now the latter Mrs. Middaugh) while treeplanting in Minnesota in May 2003. Personally, the artist think that cover songs in general, and Beatles covers in particular, should be avoided at all costs. But, I was tired, it was late, and my wife really likes The Beatles. . ." Recorded QUICKLY in the freezing basement at 12 Colborne St.

Jay and the Barn Flyz - Free Soup for the Revolution: March 2004 (Ripped-Off Records)

  1. after the fire
  2. faster than most
  3. what we both missed
  4. vitamin D
  5. cadillac slap-back
  6. fifteen feet away*
  7. the sound and the fury
  8. the shadow and the flash
  9. city lights*
  10. dueling banjos
  11. the newspaper song
  12. circles in the corn fields
  13. my thieving brain
  14. in the shade of your island
  15. cliched love song
  16. three songs (die twice)
  17. anna sui
  18. atomic mushroom cloud
  19. when you break my heart
  20. honeymoon at my parents' house

The first "retail" Barn Flyz Album. To order, please contact or ask at live shows (more details on when and where these are arriving soon!) The Album is $10 (which isn't so bad, really. . .) including shipping in Canada or the US. It was written over the winter of 03-04, in the moldy basement at 12 Coborne. * again indicate tracks made famous in the mad-capped live show of The Radical Dudez.

Jay & the Barn Flyz - Peja or Paul: May 2004 (Ripped-Off Records)

  1. baptism*
  2. listening to you (I'm going to have a hard time)
  3. song before the storm
  4. paul's theme
  5. perfect thing to say
  6. let down
  7. rolando
  8. a confession
  9. rock of ages
  10. maybe I'm the worst
  11. kick drum
  12. soft walls
  13. peja's theme
  14. love is a four-letter word

From the liner notes: "This album was recorded while a life grew inside my wife's belly. Some of these songs are for that little person. Others are for you." Which, really, isn't too lame, when you consider how cool Peja's turned out to be. * means the same as before.

Jay and the Barn Flyz - how it feels to be a rock&roll dad. . . : December 2004 (Ripped-Off Records)

  1. safe and warm*
  2. tilt
  3. august, with its leaves and perfect starts
  4. in the shadow of the sleeping giant
  5. cathy's song
  6. sink or swim
  7. leaving me tonight
  8. blisters
  9. he who dies with the most toys. . . wins

This album was a Christmas give-away. While supplies last, it comes free with every copy of "Free Soup for the Revolution". It is dedicated to the memory of my awesome Uncle Jim. Recorded at Ripped-Off Records in Kingston.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

The Allure of Glenn Close

The idea was to have a web page. But that's expensive. And I don't really know how. And I'd rather not learn. (Oh, reaching that sweet, sweet age when attaining new skills has all the allure of Glenn Close.) So, I guess I'll let people know about this bloggy thing, and then if stuff happens, you'll find out, if you want. Also, I ramble -- so that'll probably happen too.

Here's an old Barn Flyz site that has 3 old songs for you to enjoy: