Friday, November 25, 2011

Echo turns 2

Hey, look, my son is 2!  Many happy returns, little guy.

I guess that means that our album ECHO is also 2 years old.   Seems like it's about time for a new record.  I started recording at NOP studios in August and the album is almost done.  Lots more news to come about that in the new days.

New Baking with Peja will be posted on Saturday.  Stay tuned.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Post Show. . .

Thanks to Sherwood and all the dudes from Hey Buster! for inviting us to play at their great show.  They filled the Mansion with tiny people and put on a very intimidating set of polished material -- their backing band even had some great pedal steel - which wins me over pretty quick.

The sound guy evaporated, so big thanks to Casey for coming in (with 2 kids in tow) and setting up the stage and teaching me how to use the sound board.  Once upon a time I took a sound class at film school where I learned how to use a digital mixing board -- those memories were sifted through today!

I was joined by Kevin Bowers (lead guitar), Kevin Holloway (drums), and Damian Thornton (bass), all of whom put in a lot of time learning the new kid's songs.  Thanks guys!

Pics and maybe some video very soon.

I should stop eating Peja and Echo's halloween candy and go to bed soon.

Rock and roll.

- Jay.