No, there's not much going on.
I caught a wicked cold after christmas (kids are fun, but insanely infectious) and it wiped out my voice for a good month.
Since then, I've been caught up in the fast-paced Kingston Real Estate market, trying to find a home for the record label, the music school, the recording studio, and. . . oh, yeah, my family.
Thanks to Patrick Hulley for helping us find a really cool home downtown. So, we'll be leaving the island in the spring, which is sad, because everyone here is so awesome nice. But we'll be back in the thick of things, and maybe that'll help the Flyz find and play gigs (the 2 am mad-rush to the ferry isn't the nicest way to leave a show).
New songs are on the way, the studio now has a mastering suite (email wolfeislandrecording@hotmail.com for information), and Peja can say about 100 words, the most fun being "Moose" and "Mouse" which only the keenest ear can tell apart.
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