Monday, October 23, 2006
When is enough enough?
Every conversation I have with Sienna about music gear has the same moment -- she looks at me with her eyebrows raised, and I know she's thinking "how much is this going to cost us?" Not that she isn't amazingly supportive, even encouraging as far as buying gear goes, but sometimes I get the feeling that she's starting to suspect that the great gear acquisition has no finish line. Which, of course, is the truth. Now, I mean, a lot of the time I'll be talking about gear that I just think is cool, like a $2200 Custom Telecastor, which I would never buy. . . Probably never. . . I mean, unless I got a deal or something. . . Which is the story behind the $300 ride cymbal upstairs right now, which, once again, completes my studio.

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hey Jay... u can add one to the number of readerz u have...haven't read it all, i confess, but i guess u can add me to the cathegory "ocasional reader". what do u guyz sound like?
There are links on the main page, just below our name, and they lead to other places where music is kindly hosted for free. Seriously, though, are you just here for the misplaced "z", whisperz?
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