It's been a busy week and a half or so.
Daring Midnight Robbery of Laptop and Jar of Change
Excursion to Toronto to visit friends and wedding.
Upper Respitory infection and loss of voice.
Father's day celebration with extended family.
Return to Kingston.
Work, watch Sienna knit, Enjoy Peja's last days as a 3 year old.
So, today is the big day. Four years ago she joined the family, and we are very glad she did. Sure, there were moments when I thought, "Uh, this is killing me" and the more moments when I thought, "I think she's actually trying to kill me" and then even more moments when I thought, "oh, right, she's my replacement. . . she supposed to kill me", and then finally, "hey, I kinda like this kid." It has been a real pleasure to watch her grow into the awesome little opossum that she is.
Tomorrow is The Skeleton Park Music Festival. They have live music and stuff all day long. Sienna will be selling her knit and sewn stuff as a vendor for the second year; go say hi, she'll be the one knitting to replace all the stuff that's sold-out.
Oh, hey, this is fun -- at the wedding we went to in toronto (congrats S&D!), while deathly ill, Peja was the flower girl, and I got to sit in with my old friends The Radical Dudez for a mini-set to start the dance at the reception. We played 3 old-school dudez favourites -- and thanks to a quick rehearsal, I think it went quite well. It was really fun to be back in the band, if only for three songs. Head Dude Adam is starting a new project called "Group of Seven" -- look for it on Much Music and everywhere else.
I am going to plan a show soon, I swear.
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