Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Demos. . .

The music continues.  I took the car to work last night and gave the driving test two three new demos -- I think they're pretty solid, at least in form.  I gave a copy of a few songs to Kyra from Kyra and Tully, and I'm going to try and convince her to add some harmonies to the record.

Speaking of Kyra and Tully -- they're just finishing up their 2nd record.  They've played me a few rough mixes (as well as the songs they've had put on compilations) and it's sounding very good.

I am learning to tolerate Peja's school.  She loves it, and she has a lot of really awesome classmates.  She went to 2 halloween parties this past weekend which were fun and a good chance to hang out with other parents and let Peja hang out with some classmates outside of school.

Hope you are well,


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