Monday, October 26, 2009

Closer and Closer

One kid back to school, and one Preggers back on her feet, so it's time to carry on.

I remixed and remastered 2 tracks yesterday, and I think we're getting closer to the record being done. Normally, I have all the artwork done long before the songs are even chosen, but this time I don't have anything put together. . . Send your drawings to Uh. . . No? Alright. I'll think of something.

Also creeping up is this baby thing. . . Sienna is 37 weeks, so that's full-term, so it's kinda anytime now. . . Hmmm. . .

It was nice to be back at Peja's school this morning. It was picture-day, as well as a library field-trip, so it was a good day to go back. We walked in the door and one of her friends ran up yelling, "Peja's back!" and gave her a hug. No hugs for me, but I got to move the basketball net out of the way so they could shoot the class picture. It's nice to feel needed.

I have to figure out and consult with my illustrious webmaster Adam about the redesign for the new album.

I've played 3 or 4 games at the Central Basketball Parent/Teacher league, and it's been really fun. The gym is small, but we play 3 on 3, and without a transition zone (I think 3 point lines would touch at mid court) running up and down doesn't tire people out and it's a fast game all night. There are some great players, and always great passing. And I'm kinda tall there. . . Yeah!

Hope you are well.


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