Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Rehearsal. . .

Things I Don't Believe In vs. Things I Like

1. Easter Bunny vs. Chocolate Eggs

2. Jesus, Santa vs. Joy and Wonder in Childrens' Eyes

3. Commitment vs. Family

4. Rehearsal vs. Not Messing Up at Shows

So, this week I'm meeting a bit, now and again, against my belief system, with some of the Barn Flyz. New Bass dude Damian is rocking a fretless bass, and it sounds awesome. I think we might even all be in a room together one time before the show. Maybe.

A reminder, we are playing THIS SATURDAY AT 7pm! BE THERE! BE THERE!!!! It will be awesome. I promise! Like Santa, Jesus, the Easter Bunny all rolled into one, and playing rock and roll.

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