Saturday, March 26, 2011

Catching Up. . .

That's Echo, about to attempt to unplug about 40% of the sound equipment. He was stopped.


We played a show.

It was in the afternoon at a bar.

Children were running around, and I'm pretty sure as much juice was sold as booze, and that makes me glad.

Thanks to Casey and the whole crew at the Mansion, they were awesome at every step of the way.

Huge thanks to the Aldous Huxters, who were as great as I had hoped. Thanks to Geoff Chown (Geoff, I'm just guessing at all the spelling there. . .) for rocking the sound board (along with the bass with the Huxters).

Thanks to the Kevins (Bowers, Holloway, Cooke) for bringing it, as always.

Thanks to the kids and parents who came out.

Was out in the studio today working on a new song, working title, "every step that you take on your way" which is too long a title and sounds like "every breath you take". Not the song. Just the title. Other songs on the front burners these days -- "the grey in your hair", "might mean the same", and "if i knew how to fight".

The last one we played at the show, and a version of it spends a bit of time filling up the background in Lenny Epstien's "Guy and Me" a short staring my friend Tully. I was in the right place (Kevin Bower's studio) at the right time (when he had 30 things on the go, one of which was writing some music for the film) and somehow I squeezed my little song in there. Thanks Lenny, Tully, and Kev! I would love to do more of this.

Peja and I started work on a new film project; a new web series that should be out by the summer.

The Central Bears, the junior boys basketball team I coach, started their season with a game at Rideau Heights. We had a great effort, and great sportsmanship all around. Thanks to Heather and Seth at Rideau Heights for hosting a great game.

Hope you are well.


1 comment:

P's Momma said...

Yay for posting again! Love the photos from the show. Hopefully we can come to a show one day- Peyton would love it!