Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Dorian Rock Show

I just got back from the Wilson Room, where my little charges came out and rocked the stage.  Instead of an old-fashion recital were everyone counts the minutes until their little Sally or Jonny takes the stage to play some old song by themselves, we grouped the kids together, filled in the parts, and did a proper concert.

I am very proud of my students, all of whom played their best when it counted -- despite it being the first live performance for most of them.  They held time, they sang well, the remembered the chords -- they generally outplayed me in my supporting role.

Thanks to Tim Tran, my boss who isn't at all like a boss (except that my cheques clear), for hauling a crap load of gear, thanks to Rob for getting his students up to speed, thanks to Kevin for filling in with talent, gear, knowledge, and a sense of humour.  Thanks to the parents for investing in their kids.  The biggest thanks goes to the students, mine and Rob's, who really made the day.

Seems like it's about time for a Barn Flyz Show. . .

Take care,


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