Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 1

I bought some new gear for the studio, and I spent a bit of time today while Peja and Sienna were off buying the stuff I forgot to buy (not my plan. . . or was it? ah, ha ha ha ha ha! ha?), setting up the new voiced tube pre-amp and mic. I was very please with how the new stuff sounded, and I lay down some guide track guitar, bass, and vocals to go back and cover over with shinier ones. I borrowed Peja's keyboard and used the drum machine on it for my headphone metronome. I hate the sound of the one on my recorder, and there's something soothing about the old school rock beat. Also, I think it adjusts in like 15 bpm increments, so it takes some of the fine-tuning out of the equation. . .

Look for the posters. They're everywhere. Except the places I haven't postered yet. . . Pine street, I'll get there.

1 comment:

P's Momma said...

hey kid, i can't hear the music- not sure if your linky thing is working... (yes my speakers are on!)