Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Songs for my Seaweed Girl

Peja and I are listening to the new record.

It is finished!

The new website is well on the way, I emailed Adam mp3's from some of the new tracks so you can stream them when the website comes online (I think we're shooting for the end of the month).

With the launch of the new website will come your first chance to order Barn Flyz music online. The new album, Songs for my Seaweed Girl, along with the last retailish record Free Soup for the Revolution, will be ready to be boxed and shipped and opened and played and enjoyed!

I'm playing a warm-up to the big March 24th show on Friday the 4th (I think) at the big building at Portsmouth Harbour. I'll be in the courtyard of the Lung Associations Gardening show from 11:30 until 12:30. . . Alright, kind of a strange gig, but I think it'd be a fun way to play for people I'd probably never otherwise reach. So, if you like bulbs and soil -- come to the festival and say hi. I'm really trying to have the cd pressed and ready for then, but it's going to be tight. At worst I'll have some buttons or something.

Take care,


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