Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Bookstore Cafe

Was driving out to Camden East yesterday with Daniel, the drummer from Kyra and Tully, and we were talking about how, back in highschool, we made so much more money playing music, and our friends and us took such bigger risks and worked so much harder to pull off shows. I'm not sure what to make of that.

We played our show at the bookstore cafe, opening up for Rozalin MacPhail, who is a solo artist who uses loops to do a full show while still performing nearly all of the parts live. This will explain better than I can:It's pretty impressive that she's controlling the loops with a midi foot-board while performing the next part. I was up in my studio today working on some tracks, wondering if I could do the same thing. . . It'd be a super fast-motion version of how I record. . . I think this old video is the exact opposite: a deconstruction in non-real-time. . .

The show was good and we got some free food and a bit of cash for our troubles. Kyra and Tully have a busy summer coming up, so look for them around Kingston.

1 comment:

Adam H said...

Reminds me of this...