Thursday, May 20, 2010

Peguin Le Pas

Fear not.

Things are afoot.

We just can't talk about them right now.

But they are afoot.

In non-music life news, we tore down a wall in our house. The house is still standing. I even moved some switches to a new location without electrocuting myself.

Got some sweet new hats for Peja's drum kit. Our band is reforming this summer. Look for us busking.

Oh, hey, I played a gig at the Chilean Relief Show. It was awesomely busy. The Speaker of the House of Commons, and one of The Tragically Hip guitarists were there. And me. Playing the song "Peguin Le Pas" that Peja and I wrote, while she stood beside me, happy but frozen in front of the crowd.

Me: "Uh, Peja are you okay?"

Peja: (frozen, smiling, barely audible) "Yes"

Me: "You want to stay up here with me"

Peja: (same) "Yes"

And so it went. I played a set on Bass with Kyra and Tully, which, aside from some sound issues, was good times.

Two of my favourite bands, Skeleton Park, and The Trash Daddies played sets as well, and they were rad.

Alright, off to teach some lessons.

Again, things are afoot.

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