Sunday, May 06, 2007

the one before the one about the electric bike. . .

When I'm home with the kid -- i.e. most of the time -- we have tunes going about 95% of the time (5% of the time we're choosing the new tunes after the cd/record ends). When I go to put something on, Peja always runs over and says "I want to pick the music!" I ask her if she wants a record or a cd, and then give her 2 or 3 choices. Lately, I've started asking her if she wants something mellow or something that rocks -- and generally she picks in accordance to the mood of the moment. This morning, though, she wanted something particular. She asked for Jay and the Barn Flyz. And my day was made.

Spent yesterday over on Wolfe Island helping fix up the Summer Dock Studio, formerly run by our Australian Friends, run this year by our friend Deirdre. Winter was cruel to the studio, as a gaggle of chickens spent the winter calling it home. . . We moved them out and started scraping. This summer, you'll be able to our cd and maybe some merch, and probably catch an occasional live show / signing thing at the studio. Just get off the ferry, turn right, and look for the signs.

Tune in next time for a full recounting of the tales of the now awesomely functional electric bike.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where is the one about the ebike??