Saturday, May 09, 2009


Play a show with Kyra and Tully at the Brew Pub today -- really nice room upstairs; I think soundworks donated the sound gear, which someone set up awesomely, and then I got to play sound guy. I was playing bass standing at the sound board (right beside the front of the stage, where it should always be if there isn't a sound engineer*, but never is, because people always want to hide them at the back of the stage, where you can't hear how it sounds in the audience while you're tweaking knobs**), and it was really cool, because although I really can't sing and play bass at the same time, I can mess with monitor levels.

After the gig, instead of being cool and hanging around for a free drink with cool people and good music, I was a dick*** and walked home in the pouring rain to eat a brownie and then cut a 4" vent hole into the floor of the laundry room of the apartment (tenant is coming, must make things legal. . .). How does one cut a 4" hole in a floor? I have no idea, so I just drilled about a million 1/2" holes and smashed at it with a sledge hammer and crowbar. The dryer is now vented -- into the crawl space, but soon through the crawl-space, across my basement and out the conveniently placed hole where someone didn't quite finish closing in a window (2 rows of concrete blocks, 5 bricks, some cement, and a rock. . . uh. . .). Actually, my real plan just involves putting a vent pipe out of that hole, and then pretending that they are connected. Don't tell Sienna.

Hope all is well,


* "sound engineer" is the genderless, over formal, never used form. They're sound guys. Or sound chicks. That's how it goes.

** This sounds dirty.

*** This doesn't sound dirty, but it involves the word "dick" and I wanted to asterisk something else.

1 comment:

Astrid Rose said...

Awesome asterisk usage.