Friday, October 20, 2006

Teachin' the Rock. . .

I teach music lessons 1 night a week out at the Dorian School of Music (, I think), and there's a sad reality to the job. Most of my students will give up. They will sell their instruments, or let them gather dust in their parents' basements.

But, the flip side is that they could stick to it, practice, have a great time, and live the dream.

The funny part is, I don't think I really have much say in what happens. I can show them a few techniques, and challenge them a bit with ideas, but there's not a lot of grey-area between self-motivated and slacker, between gifted and hopeless.

Where I end up, is just trying to let them have a good time. Music education can be as much about confidence building as it can about becoming a rock star. But don't tell my students -- I have high hopes.

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