It was coming down like a bastard (sorry mom) when I left for the music school yesterday. It reminded me of a couple of times I got caught up the lake in a big storm -- the rain felt more like spray, stinging and blinding. But I'm not complaining -- it was pretty fun; like being a little kid again. I had rain-gear on, so aside from my face, I was keeping pretty dry. The lights were helping me out, and I made it there in 20 minutes.
It's funny, parts of the bike are so laughably cheap -- the fuse box holder has broken about 50 times, but at the same time, because it's so simple, fixing it just involves jamming the wires back into the box, knowing they'll make contact somewhere. The parts that really matter; the motor, and the controller, are both totally sealed, and everything else just has to hang on.
Hey, remember that comic? I'm not sure what happened to that. The band got together, so that was the thing for a while, and then the Kyra and Tully thing. . . I'm starting to feel a glare coming from my drawing stuff, on the top shelf of the bookcase, slowly buried under waves of clean-ups.

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