Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Peja is at school and Sienna is sleeping off a night shift -- I'm typing as quietly as I can.

I'm putting together songs for the Dorian winter recital, digging out old rock tunes that my students can handle.  My first chance to perform rock tunes came at a recital -- I played drums for Queen's "Show Must Go On", as well as this strange rock version of Beethoven's 9th that some dude from Deep Purple or something put together. . .   I worry that I torture my students with out of date rock in much the same way I was, but then, I really had a great time playing those old lame tunes. . .   My students have a much wider exposure to music, what with this whole "internet" thing, and they have stronger opinions that I ever had about what is cool or not.  Most of the contemporary stuff I know is through them and the songs they want to learn.  One interesting note is that 3 of them have wanted to learn Nirvana's "In Bloom" -- which is a pretty cool bit of drumming from back when I was their age. . .

Enjoy the day,


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