Thursday, December 23, 2010

Toronto, Tony, and Jolly Ol' St. Nick. . .

Played my first show in Toronto in 7 or 8 years. Thanks Nick and Steph for asking me along. The family came to the city and we hung with my awesome Aunt and Uncle (and don't forget cousin Tom!). The gig was at a little upstairs of a bar. The Peat Bros had a film crew there to try and capture their incredible live energy; made the performance a bit strange, with the audience back 10 feet while two bigs guys pointed cameras in our faces (alright, not so much in my face -- there's a reason the band is The Peat Brothers).

A very strange side note, and wearing my glasses for more than just the set could've helped here, but I managed not to recognize my good friend Anthony Addario, who was apparently playing drums for one of the other bands on the bill. 10 Years and we all look just different enough, I guess. So, Salut Tony! Glad to see you're still playing music. I'll catch up with you the next time we're randomly on a bill together in a city I nearly never visit -- or hopefully sooner!

Peja and Christopher recorded this song for Christopher's Grandparents' Christmas present. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Back to the Mansion. . .

Here's a pic from the Peat Brothers show on Thursday in the Living Room at the Mansion. Nobody told me it was vest night. Or that I shouldn't look like I'm reading music charts.

Hauled the littlest P.A. ever to the Mansion last night for a 40th birthday party for my friend Mark. It was an open mic thing -- I was too busy last week to put any cover tunes together, but The Trash Daddies let me sit in and play some rhythm guitar with their second set, and I through in a shortened version of Weezer's Undone. The crowd was a bit older than me, and Mark kept singing "pull this string as I walk away" instead of "pull this thread. . .", but it was still very fun. I also managed to steal a piece of cake for Sienna. Oh yeah.

Friday, December 03, 2010

Another Peat Bros gig. . .

Played some bass with The Peat Brothers last night at the Mansion. Once again they had some amazing fan support, and the sing-along on the last number was pretty awesome. I meant to take my camera and video-tape some of the set, but somewhere between finding a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt, and drinking a litre or so of black tea trying to wake up, I forgot.

Next time.

Thanks again to the Peat Bros for inviting me, Sienna for minding the herd, and Ladies of the Canyon for letting us open for them.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Stats, and a Request. . .

Blogger has a new feature, where you can look up the stats of your blog. Now, for a long time, thanks to my tech friend Adam Hewgill, I've been using google analytics to chart all your wonderful visits to this humble site. So, I had a pretty good idea (I thought) of the general traffic trends.

Now, google and blogger disagree as to the visitation patterns of y'all. By an order of magnitude.

We either have a very nice select number of visitors from Canada, mostly Ontario. Or, we have multitudes finding their way here from the US and UK (and a few from Canada). Now, I'll guess which one is more likely.

The real puzzle, of course, is that google owns and runs blogger.

I'll tell you what, if you're from the US or UK, please leave a comment and be counted!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Today I am 31. And Jimi Hendrix would've been 68.

Somehow I spent 31 years without realizing that I share my birthday with Jimi Hendrix. Of course, I spent 15 without hearing, really hearing, his music.

I remember the first time I heard Hey Joe. It was on a tape that my friend and then band-mate Tony Addario had made for me (Tony had the eq on his stereo set up so when he made a mix tape, it was like he was remastering it, and no matter where you played it, it sounded like his stereo), and I was in grade 11, walking down the hall on the science floor of my high school. I remember being immersed by the haunting voices of the back-up singers milking extra syllables, and the guitar solo after Hendrix sings "I gave her the gun, and I shot her!" That song is everything I love about music. It's a simple heartfelt lyric; it's fantastic guitar playing; but it's not at all showy or overdone, and it's catchy as hell. I remember waiting in front of my locker for the song to finish before getting my books.

I spent the morning with my boy Echo. He is getting more interesting. He can walk, carry a basketball, and eats like a starving horse. He dances to good music and ignores bad music.

Thanks everyone who sent along their best wishes today, I had a very typical day, which is exactly how I wanted it.

A little while ago I did some guitar work on an album by a friend of mine, Wendy Luella Perkins. The album, "Lucky Life", is out now. It was recorded in the amazing North of Princess Studios. You can check out her website here.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Post Show. . .

The Peat Brothers show came after a stretch of about 72 hrs in which I got about 4 hrs sleep. So, I was grading my performance on a bit of a curve. . . But it was great fun, and the brothers themselves put on a great show. I got to play through a huge ampeg SVT bass head and an 8x10 cab -- memories of former radical dudez / barn flyz / and current Stanford bass player Nick Kaars. . . The amp was super punchy; huge thanks to the bass player from Dinosaur Bones for sharing his rig.

The show was at Clark Hall Pub, which, faithful readers will remember, was the site of the very first Jay and the Barn Flyz show, as well as about 300 Radical Dudez shows. It's a campus bar, so it was a good chance to feel wicked old, but the kind staff turned it all around:

"Hey guys, can I see some identification?"
"Uh, sure. . . " (thinking, "what year is the latest year to be 19. . . 1991?" oooh, just squeeked in by two decades. . .)

Great crowd, great songs. I'm playing again with the Peat Brothers at the Mansion on December 2nd -- come check them out, you'll be very impressed.


Sunday, November 07, 2010

Vomit, Ankles, and a Gig

I am home with a vomiting 6 year old, a 11 month old that hasn't slept more than 65 minutes in a row in 3 weeks, and a sprained ankle. Rock and roll.

I made it back to basketball this week, but the ankle is feeling pretty rough since, so I think I'll wait it out.

I'm playing a gig this Thursday with the Peat Brothers. I'm rockin' some bass. We've had a few rehearsals, and depending how many people are vomiting by Thursday, we might get one more in. The show is at Clark Hall Pub, which apparently reopened somewhere along the way. Back in the day, I play many a show there with the Radical Dudez, and the first ever live Jay and the Barn Flyz show was there.

Sienna is back at the hospital, helping keep the bank at bay. How long is 12 hours? Oh my.

Hope you enjoyed your extra hour.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

I fuc#ed up my ankle. . .

There haven't been many basketball posts lately. . . The documentary is still being worked on, but somewhat slowed down by the above swelling.

In cooler news, I bought a hammond drawbar organ (240 lbs of fun!) and it's wicked awesome. Maybe some quick video of it coming soon, or at least some pictures.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Chris Scott, The Peat Brothers, and Echo. . .

Had some good friends from the past drop by the house.

Simply the best front-wheel drive car fish-tailing driver I've ever been terrified with, Chris Scott, came by the house with his better half and met mine and my little ones. Cake was eaten. Inappropriate jokes were told to tepid response. More inappropriate jokes were told to silence. Still more were sent along in a follow-up Email. Phone-messages to follow.

From the 2007 incarnation of my band, and now of the Peat Brothers, Nick Peat came by the Sleeping Giant School of Music with his bro and some amazing 12 string, slide-strat, and a bit of hack bass from yours truly, was heard throughout the house. They'll be playing around Kingston in the next few months, catch them if you can, they are really something special.

Echo and I are hanging out today, Sienna is at work and then off to a kid's sale, Peja is at school and then off to a play-date. This will soon by out regular thing; Sienna is back at the hospital in November, and I'm assuming Peja won't get kicked out of school. But you never know. It's always the quiet ones.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

The Big Show. . .

Our best and biggest show ever was one that we put on with the amazing Central Public Parent Council last October. And, if you look up, way up, you'll see that our normal logo is gone, and instead is an amazing poster for the SECOND ANNUAL JAY AND THE BARN FLYZ @ CENTRAL SHOW! This year, along with a bake sale, there's going to be a cake raffle too!

Uh, alright, so that's not a normal rock and roll thing, but it's how we roll.

Skeleton Park, one of my favorite bands, has not only agreed to once again open the show, but Keiran, Skeleton Park singer and guitarist, is filling in for the usual Kevin/Damian bass battle. The other Kevins will be on hand.

Alright, me and Echo are going to go and poster for those few who don't visit this site daily.

Uh. . .

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Some kid's music that Peja and I recorded a while back is playing on my headphones.

I finally got around to figuring out how my hard-disk stand-alone recorder can export single tracks to my computer. My recorder does a fine job recording, and I have decent pre-amps, but it's mixing abilities, i.e. effects and compression, are noisy and can sound cheap.

So I've been doing some mixing with free free free Audacity, which feels a lot like the old sound editor on window 3.1 or whichever one was the last one that actually had windows, I remember isolating a Jim Morrison scream from a live show and looping it over some other stuff in my parents office in the cottage in Lake of Bays.

The difference, is that this track actually sounds pretty good, as far as it's sonic qualities (the song itself is very much a demo) It is easy easy easy to edit and stuff, and I imagine a shinier interface would make this kind of mixing easier that the layers of menus on my recorder.

I am so 2004.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Link to the Music School website, and a pictures of Echo and Me

Hat-Tip to my good friend Adam Hewgill who taught me everything I still don't know about the internet.

Friday, July 09, 2010

No, You're Weird. . .

Are you telling me that you DON'T have a drum kit for every member of your family? Weird. . .

Monday, July 05, 2010

Orillia, Drum Kits, Weddings, Music Schools

Hello! We just got back today from a 5 day weekend in Orillia with my folks. On Saturday we drove to Owen Sound to attend the wedding of our good friends Andy and Candace. Andy was the first bass player who ever played my songs in a band, and was always awesome to play with. Congrats guys!

Peja is standing next to a giant guitar art thing on the main street of Orillia. We bought an awesome little premier jazz kit, which will join my kit in the drum room of my. . . wait for it. . . NEW MUSIC SCHOOL!

After 4 amazing amazing years out in the township at The Dorian School of music, I'm opening my own shop downtown. It will be called "The Sleeping Giant School of Music", and there will be website links and all the rest posted when I get around to it. I'm still at Dorian for the summer, and the new shop will open Sept 1st! A huge thanks to Tim Tran, my friend and my boss, for working with me all these years at Dorian.

Hope all is well with you,


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Jay and the Kevins Reunion Show!

We've been asked back to the Island Grill, so this coming Saturday, the 26th, ride the 7, 8, or 9 o'clock boat out to Wolfe Island and catch the show. Me Man Jack and other special guests will also be performing.

Damian can't make the show, so crowd favourite Kevin Cooke is flying back from Ottawa to rock the lefty 6 string bass. Yeah, Kevin Cooke!

Peja turned 6 this past Sunday, and she shared her day with my 7th father's day, which is pretty fun. It has been so cool getting to know her. The day before was the awesome Skeleton Park Music Festival, and Peja and I danced up a storm to the awesome music. There were even some Taiko drummers for Echo to hear -- one of his middle names is Taiko, so it seems like he should be exposed to it. . .

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Peguin Le Pas

Fear not.

Things are afoot.

We just can't talk about them right now.

But they are afoot.

In non-music life news, we tore down a wall in our house. The house is still standing. I even moved some switches to a new location without electrocuting myself.

Got some sweet new hats for Peja's drum kit. Our band is reforming this summer. Look for us busking.

Oh, hey, I played a gig at the Chilean Relief Show. It was awesomely busy. The Speaker of the House of Commons, and one of The Tragically Hip guitarists were there. And me. Playing the song "Peguin Le Pas" that Peja and I wrote, while she stood beside me, happy but frozen in front of the crowd.

Me: "Uh, Peja are you okay?"

Peja: (frozen, smiling, barely audible) "Yes"

Me: "You want to stay up here with me"

Peja: (same) "Yes"

And so it went. I played a set on Bass with Kyra and Tully, which, aside from some sound issues, was good times.

Two of my favourite bands, Skeleton Park, and The Trash Daddies played sets as well, and they were rad.

Alright, off to teach some lessons.

Again, things are afoot.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Mid-Early-Morning Nap

Hey, look, we used our tent! Alright, so it was a bug-shelter at a party. But it does have awesome round hobbit-like doors.

It is 8am. Echo fell asleep about 10 minutes ago. He often has a mid-early-morning nap, especially if he gets up early. He will likely sleep for 20-30 minutes. The clock is ticking.

Hey, did I talk about this yet? I'm going to record a single at an awesome recording studio that a friend of mine runs. I've spent a lot of time listening to old demos trying to find a good track to work on, and then, since this is a family-financed project, Sienna picked a track called "Empress of India" which didn't quite make it onto the "Echo" project. She says it's "catchy".

I'm playing at "A Roof For Chile", a relief effort fundraiser at The Mansion on May 8th. It's an all-day thing, so I'm not sure when I'm playing - I'll post set-times when I have them. Kyra and Tully are playing as well, so you might see me on Bass with them as well.

Oh, I hear little footsteps on the stairs!

Oh, it's Sienna heading out for a run. We're going to rock the Beat Beethoven run together in June. Well, we're going to start together. I feel like I might finish a few days later.

Hope all is well with you,


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Central Bears!

Last friday was the end-of-season tournament for the Central Bears Junior Boys Basketball team. I'm sad to be through coaching for another year; it was a great season. We managed 2 practices a week (well, I managed 1. . . co-coaches are great things), and I ran a lunch-time pick-up game for additional scrimmaging. The team had 15 players, many of whom had never played organized basketball before, and they worked really hard and ended the year with a stellar 4-1-1 record. Nice job Bears!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Rehearsal. . .

Things I Don't Believe In vs. Things I Like

1. Easter Bunny vs. Chocolate Eggs

2. Jesus, Santa vs. Joy and Wonder in Childrens' Eyes

3. Commitment vs. Family

4. Rehearsal vs. Not Messing Up at Shows

So, this week I'm meeting a bit, now and again, against my belief system, with some of the Barn Flyz. New Bass dude Damian is rocking a fretless bass, and it sounds awesome. I think we might even all be in a room together one time before the show. Maybe.

A reminder, we are playing THIS SATURDAY AT 7pm! BE THERE! BE THERE!!!! It will be awesome. I promise! Like Santa, Jesus, the Easter Bunny all rolled into one, and playing rock and roll.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Thrush Hermit. . .

We have a habit.

When our babies are 4 months old, we attend a kick-ass rock and roll show.

Kind people watch our babies late at night.

And we go to bars where our favourite musicians destroy us.

With little Peja, our good friend, and one of the original Barn Flyz, Brent "The Wheel" Ferris gave us his time so we could see an amazing set from Hayden. And with Echo, Sienna's childhood friend Carolyn and her buddy Mark-Jan, did their very best to keep our little monster happy while we relived our youths at Lee's Palace.

Thrush Hermit was introduced to me by my good friend Grady Kelneck, and seeing them live was probably the first toronto bar show I ever saw. I believe it was in 1997, and the gang of us walked to the venue (The Opera House), about 60 blocks, because we didn't understand the idea of "transfers" allowing us to get on buses after riding the subway. We got there at like 6pm or something, hours and hours before the show, because we wanted to be in front of the stage. Thrush hermit pulled up in a rented RV, because their venerable short-bus had broken down. We helped them carry in their gear, including their famed rock&roll sign, and hung out in the bar until they kicked us out before sound check. They were the 5th band on the bill, and after the 20 miles we had walked, and the three hours of standing in line, and the 2 hours of standing at the front waiting for them to play, I was pretty much ready to curl into a ball and sleep for a thousand years. But right as I was ready to die, they played this song "sorry if your heart as no more room" and it just connected with me and I didn't feel tired, my feet stopped aching, and it was perfect.

Sienna and I had a similar day, with a baby in tow, with a 2 hour train ride, miles of walking, but when Thrush Hermit took the stage on Saturday night, every single song had the energy to lift our spirits and heal our wounds. I have never enjoyed a show more. They made me believe in rock and roll, and I don't care how lame that sounds.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Our New Stereo

Our New Stereo is amazing.

It streams music from our computer's hard-drive wirelessly.

It can be controlled by our i-Touch or our computer.

It was set up in 5 minutes.

It is completely self-contained, speakers and all, in a 16"x5"x10" space.

It sounds awesome and huge.

If we buy more, they will talk to each-other and play the same music or different music at the same time.

It remembers my birthday.

It makes breakfast.

It writes letters to my aging grandmothers and asks them how they are doing.

It gets up with Peja when she has nightmares and plays soft music until she falls asleep.

It changes Echo's shitty diapers and washes them out in the toilet.

It is magic.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

P-Guy's B-Day Bash

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Back in K-town after 4 days in Orillia, including a party down in Barrie with my nephew Peyton, who celebrated his first birthday. Happy birthday P-guy!

One of the Kevins moved to Ottawa, one is on vacation, and one is in Toronto. At rehearsal today, it was quickly voted that we should have a snack and answer emails. And we did.

Busy preparing applications for Summer festivals. Oh, the summer festivals. Cross your fingers, and you might see us on a big outdoor stage nearby somewhere.

Hope all is well,


Saturday, March 06, 2010

Garden Show - Portsmouth Harbour

So, after a rousing performance described by some as "that was nice" and others as "can you turn it down a bit" three years ago, I returned to the Portsmouth Harbor building and played again for the Lung Association's Garden Show. It's a background music thing, so people can mill around and look at landscaping fabric solutions. I played super mellow, which was handy, in that my voice hasn't really returned from the cold Peja gave us all.

Apparently, someone had seen me before -- they recognized my guitar. . . Which is kind of like being a model and being remembered for your watch, but I'll take what I can get.

Thanks to Nancy the volunteer for fixing the spelling of my name on the sign, and for buying a cd -- awesome!

The April 10th show will definitely involve Kevin Bowers, and most likely Me Man Jack. More details as they come into focus.

Hope you are well.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

April Show

Hey everyone, we're heading back to NeXt church on Saturday April 10th.

Other Acts TBA
Time/Cost TBA

Bake sale? Oh, there'd better be a bake sale.

Hope you are well.

Oh, and thanks for watching our YOUTUBE channel so much. . .

Take care,


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Another Promotional Video. . .

I can't get the embedding to work, so instead, click the link above to check it out.

I'll fix it soon.

Hey look -- I fixed it!

Hey, look, it's a baby!


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010


Hey everyone, up over there, if you check out the Barn Flyz song of the day thing, you can hear the brand new recording of "Society Dames" from the new record. Shine your shoes, put on your best white gloves and top hat, and check it out.

Clay Cat says, "I like the song!"

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Posters. . .

My dad printed up some posters to help advertise the new record. Alright, the picture is nothing new. But, still. . . Posters?? ? ? The new album is available from me. Or at my work. That is all for now. I'm not sure if having it in stores really makes any difference. I sold one in a store with "Songs for my Seaweed Girl". One copy. To my friend Andy. Who makes cool films. The band does seem to be better known now, and even the presence of a new record and some buzz thereabouts, but I'm hesitant to put stock in stores, when I can just sell it myself and either make more money, or charge less. Any thoughts?

Peja got this awesome new piano book called "My First Piano Adventure". It has great stuff in it like hitting all the sets of two black keys and stuff. It really invites kids to explore the whole keyboard without knowing all the notes. I recommend it.

In other news, I bought a new camera. . . You can see it there in Peja's eye. It's a JVC Everio or something like that. I bought it from a very nice army guy who's wife let him buy it 3 years ago when he got back from overseas. Retail? $1300. My cost? $160. For a 3CCD video/still camera. Madness. Story ideas for the first official music video from ECHO are in the air. All involve Peja, Basketball, or both.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Under My Hood I Have a Hat

Thanks to everyone who came out to Next Church for the gig on Friday. I got to kindly play a solo acoustic set during a concert put on by some amazing home school parents. Thanks to Ice on Fire, Lockdown, and Mars for sharing the stage with me. I sold some cd's, which was cool, and the gig made enough money to share with the musicians (better than I normally do!). Thanks to my boss Tim, who kindly volunteered his services as sound guy. It was a great night of local music, and had the vibe I always want at my shows.

Set List:
Thinkin' About You (radiohead cover)
Beautiful Solitary
City Lights
When She Says I Do.

Oh, and the best part of the night -- one of my former students, a 6 year old named Austin, was there, and he walked over to me during sound check and handed me an envelope.
"Hey Austin, how are you?"
"Open it!"
"It's for me?"
"Open it! It's a picture I made for you, you can hang it on your wall, and a puzzle!"
The puzzle was titled, "under my hood I have a hat", which I think is an awesome title for anything. The puzzle was challenging, but rewarding.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Some more pictures from the cd release show. . .

These pictures were taken by Kev's gal-pal Emma. Thanks Emma! That's Kev on the drums, Kev on the lead guitar, and Kev on the Bass. Oh, the Kevin jokes. They never get old. . . Ha, ah, ah. . . Hmmmmm. . . It's the same name! Isn't that wacky!? All of them! Kevins!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More Pics to Follow. . .

Thanks to the Mansion, Solange Lacroix, Brian Flynn, and everyone who braved the rain for our cd release show. I had an awesome time, and without a doubt it was our best show yet.

Set List:
Fake Blonde Girls
Society Dames
Rusty Voices
Beautiful Solitary
City Lights
Autumn with its Leaves and Perfect Stars
The United Stars
Hide and Seek
Something Here that Reminds Me of You
When She Says I Do

The Barn Flyz Were:
Bass: Kevin Cooke
Lead Guitar: Kevin Bowers
Drums: Kevin Holloway
Jay: Jay

Stay tuned for upcoming gigs. . .

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Kevins are all in town.

Full band rehearsal in 1.5 hours.

Show in 30 hours.

Come see us rock. Tell your friends. Pick your friends up -- carpool to the show. I'll give you one of my free drinks. No, really, I will.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

10 things that I have to do before the big show. . .

1. Have all band members in same room for at least 5 minutes.

2. Have all band members in same city for at least 5 minutes.

3. Try to make rehearsal, otherwise, leave detailed notes for bandmembers.

4. Poster outdoor poster locations (indoor locations handled today by me, Peja, and Echo).

5. Email/Facebook everyone I know 6 times to guilt them into coming. Also guilt them into guilting all their facebook/email contacts into coming too. And theirs. And theirs. Avoid litigation for pyramid scheming.

6. Get hair cut, trim beard. Resist temptations for short hair / clean face.

7. Wash baby puke stains out of at least 1 shirt/pant combo (no, not a jumpsuit, although that would be awesome).

8. Decide on price scheme for cd release.

9. Think of at least 11 clever things to say / stories to tell, without dropping f bombs, for between song banter. (at least 3 of them will be variations on the joke about all the guys in the band being named Kevin. . .) I'm open to suggestions. . .

10. Ignore 938382 items not on this list until last second, panick, and complete them all minutes before stage time.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

CD's. . .

Just dropped off the posters for the show at The Mansion.

Kinda felt a bit small-time, with my home-made efforts next to a lot of amazing graphics and stuff; they have a great wall of band posters when you walk in the door. It's funny, 'cause I actually had my dad print up a whole wack of large colour posters, all of which would look great, but they got folded and crushed along the way. I guess I didn't figure it would take 5 years for the band to actually start playing shows on a more regular basis (is that what we're doing?). I should see if he still has those files from the posters to print a few more for venues.

I was talking to Sienna about posters, and how, if you're not a "name" band, what good it actually does you to spend time/money plastering the city with the name of your venue. I can't remember anyone ever coming to one of my shows because they saw a poster, even when we got really good turn-outs, I felt like I knew everyone there; which is a nice thing. I guess it puts the name out there, so the next time they see a poster, they're like, "oh, yeah, I've heard of the them" and then maybe 10 more times down the road, they decide to see a show because one of their friends is going. . . I don't know.

Eitherway, look for our posters downtown, in store windows and official poster places only, because apparently, The Mansion gets ticketed if their shows break bylaws. I know I can legally poster for shows, as a private person, but I guess it gets messy with an establishment.

Oh, the most exciting thing -- the CD's arrived today! They look awesome, and I'll post pictures of my children holding them in awe and wonder a.s.a.p. The album will be for sale at the cd release show, and after that from me, and maybe a few small downtown locations (the efficacy of putting product in stores seems only slightly higher than postering. . .)

So, again, JAN 24, THE MANSION (in the living room), 7:30 PM (NEW TIME). $5 for big people, free for little people. They also have great food if you want to catch dinner first.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Everyone's named Kevin

Confirmed 2/3rds of the Kevins for the gig. Pretty certain we'll get the other one.

Still working on confirming a great opening act -- cross your fingers.

Poster is almost ready.

Hope your holiday was awesome.
