Sunday, March 01, 2009

Cover Bands, Hangovers, and Skating on the Lake

Went to a dance with Sienna and some friends at Peja's school on Friday Night. The band was smokin'; JACK PACK is the name of the group. They had 3 old guys, and our friend Grant (who plays basketball at the central games) on the drums. They played 60's and 70's classic rock and they were really great. The singer handled everything from the Monkees to AC/DC, no joke, and he was perfect every time. I'm going to go ahead and say they were the best cover band I've ever heard.

Since it was a dance, and since I never drink, I accepted a kind offer of a glass of courage before the outing. Yesterday is a blur of hang-over grumpiness, sadness, and napping. One glass. I am a light-weight. . .

Peja and I went skating out on Lake Ontario this morning. It was awesome. It was her first time up on single-blade skates, and I think she did awesome. I brought an umbrella stroller for her to push around, and by the end of our skate she was gliding while just holding my hand. The ice was making some awesome cracking and bubbling sounds -- it is indeed alive.

My sis is huge. The baby is imminent. Come on baby peanut!



P's Momma said...

It's not nice to say i'm Huge... i'm pleasantly preggers... and ready to pop! I'm with ya on the "come on baby peanut"

Jay said...